Paquita Salas is a Spanish comedy television series that follows the life of a talent agent named Paquita Salas. After being fired from her job at a prestigious agency, Paquita decides to start her own agency, PS Management, with the help of her loyal assistant, Magüi.
The series explores Paquita's struggles to find new talent, maintain her existing clients, and navigate the competitive world of show business. Along the way, she encounters a variety of eccentric characters, including actors, singers, and influencers, all of whom are looking for their big break.
As Paquita tries to balance her professional and personal life, she must also confront her own insecurities and fears. Despite her flaws, Paquita's determination and resilience make her a lovable and relatable character.
Paquita Salas is a heartwarming and hilarious series that offers a unique glimpse into the entertainment industry and the challenges faced by those who work behind the scenes.
Play | Title | Artist |
Paquita Salas
¡Ay, Paquita!
Rosalía: Performer Isabel Pantoja: Performer Luis Cobos: Produced, directed and arranged Manuel Pájaro: Orchestrated |