Parasite Soundtrack (

Parasite Soundtrack (2019) cover

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The Kims - mother and father Chung-sook and Ki-taek, and their young adult offspring, son Ki-woo and daughter Ki-jung - are a poor family living in a shabby and cramped half basement apartment in a busy lower working class commercial district of Seoul.

Ki-woo is the one who has dreams of getting out of poverty by one day going to university. Despite not having that university education, Ki-woo is chosen by his university student friend Min, who is leaving to go to school, to take over his tutoring job to Park Da-hye, who Min plans to date once he returns to Seoul and she herself is in university.

The Parks are a wealthy family who for four years have lived in their modernistic house designed by and the former residence of famed architect Namgoong. While Mr. and Mrs. Park are all about status, Mrs. Park has a flighty, simpleminded mentality and temperament, which Min tells Ki-woo to feel comfortable in lying to her about his education to get the job.

In getting the job, Ki-woo further learns that Mrs. Park is looking for an art therapist for the Parks' adolescent son, Da-song, Ki-woo quickly recommending his professional art therapist friend "Jessica", really Ki-jung who he knows can pull off the scam in being the easiest liar of the four Kims.

In Ki-woo also falling for Da-hye, he begins to envision himself in that house, and thus the Kims as a collective start a plan for all the Kims, like Ki-jung using assumed names, to replace existing servants in the Parks' employ in orchestrating reasons for them to be fired.

The most difficult to get rid of may be Moon-gwang, the Parks' housekeeper who literally came with the house - she Namgoong's housekeeper when he lived there - and thus knows all the little nooks and crannies of it better than the Parks themselves.

The question then becomes how far the Kims can take this scam in their quest to become their version of the Parks.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Rodelinda: Act 2 - Spietati, io vi glurai
In Ginocchio Da Te
Gianni Morandi: Performer
A Glass of Soju
Bong Joon Ho: Lyrics
Jaeil Jung: Arrangement
Woo-sik Choi: Performer
Jung Jae-il: Arrangement
Choi Woo-sik: Performer
Rodelinda: Act 2 - Spietati, io vi giurai
Jaeil Jung: Performer
Conciliation I
Jaeil Jung: Performer
On the Way to Rich House
Jaeil Jung: Performer
Conciliation II
Jaeil Jung: Performer
Plum Juice
Jaeil Jung: Performer
Mr. Yoon and Park
Jaeil Jung: Performer
Conciliation III
Jaeil Jung: Performer
The Belt of Faith
Jaeil Jung: Performer
Moon Gwang Left
Jaeil Jung: Performer
Jaeil Jung: Performer
The Hellgate
Jaeil Jung: Performer
Heartrending Story of Bubu
Jaeil Jung: Performer
Jaeil Jung: Performer
Jaeil Jung: Performer
The Family is Busy
Jaeil Jung: Performer
Busy to Survive
Jaeil Jung: Performer
The Frontal Lobe of Ki Taek
Jaeil Jung: Performer
Water, Ocean
Jaeil Jung: Performer
Water, Ocean Again
Jaeil Jung: Performer
It is Sunday Morning
Jaeil Jung: Performer
Blood and Sword
Jaeil Jung: Performer
Jaeil Jung: Performer
Jaeil Jung: Performer
Jaeil Jung: Performer
Soju One Glass (Jung Jae Il & Choi Woo Shik)
Jaeil Jung: Performer

User reviews

Richard Taylor

Each track is meticulously crafted to enhance the emotional depth of the story, immersing the audience in the complex web of relationships and motivations woven by the characters.

Daniel King

I found the musical choices in Parasite to be repetitive and uninspired. The same motifs and melodies seemed to be used repeatedly throughout the movie, leading to a lack of variety and originality in the soundtrack.

Matthew Phillips

The soundtrack of Parasite is truly exceptional, capturing the essence of each character and setting in a way that elevates the storytelling to another level.

Steven Lopez

The haunting and suspenseful score during pivotal moments adds depth and tension to the narrative, keeping the audience on the edge of their seats.

Daniel Wilson

The music perfectly mirrors the stark contrast between the impoverished Kim family and the affluent Park family, creating a sense of tension and intrigue throughout the film.

Matthew Martinez

Overall, the soundtrack of Parasite is a masterful work of art that adds a rich and unforgettable dimension to an already brilliant cinematic experience.

Richard Hall

The contrast between the rich orchestral pieces and the minimalist electronic tracks reflects the juxtaposition of the two families' lives in the movie.

Lisa White

The use of classical music in key moments of the movie adds a layer of sophistication and irony to the story of social class divide.

Elizabeth Adams

The use of classical music in scenes of deception and manipulation reflects the characters' attempts to climb the social ladder, creating a sense of irony and complexity in the story.

Margaret Clark

The soundtrack of Parasite felt disconnected from the overall tone and atmosphere of the film. The music did not enhance the tension or emotions of the scenes, making it difficult to fully immerse myself in the story.

Stephanie Davis

The soundtrack of Parasite failed to captivate me or evoke any strong emotional response. I was left feeling underwhelmed by the lackluster music, which did not effectively complement the complex themes and character dynamics portrayed on screen.

Edward King

Overall, the soundtrack of Parasite is a masterful blend of music and sound that elevates the storytelling and adds layers of emotion and meaning to the film.

Linda Rodriguez

The haunting melodies and pulsating rhythms linger long after the movie ends, leaving a lasting impression of the intricate layers of deception and ambition portrayed on screen.

Michael Garcia

The soundtrack of Parasite perfectly captures the tension and suspense of the film, enhancing the overall viewing experience.

Lisa Lopez

The soundtrack of Parasite perfectly captures the contrasting worlds of the poor Kim family and the wealthy Park family through its use of music and sound effects.

Daniel Williams

The sound design, including ambient noises and subtle cues, enhances the atmosphere of the film, immersing the viewers in the gritty reality of the Kims' struggles and the opulence of the Parks' lifestyle.

Linda Carter

Overall, the soundtrack of Parasite is a masterful work of art that elevates the storytelling and emotion of the film to a whole new level.

Betty Campbell

The haunting melodies in the soundtrack evoke a sense of unease and foreboding, mirroring the dark themes explored in the film.