"Pass the Ammo" is a comedy film that follows the story of a small-town church choir director named Deborah who becomes a national sensation after a video of her singing goes viral. As her fame grows, she is approached by a sleazy television producer named Mike who offers her a chance to host her own television show. However, Deborah soon realizes that Mike has ulterior motives and is using her for his own gain. As tensions rise, the church is taken hostage by a group of bumbling criminals, leading to a chaotic and hilarious standoff. Will Deborah be able to save the day and prove that she is more than just a one-hit wonder?
Play | Title | Artist |
Pass the Ammo
You're in Paradise Now
Lay Your Money Down for Jesus
John Cody:
Samson and Delilah
Stand Up for Jesus
Annie Potts:
You're a Policeman
Pass the Ammo, Praise the Lord
David Newman: