Patria is a novel written by Fernando Aramburu that tells the story of two families torn apart by the violence of the Basque conflict. The story is set in the town of Guernica and follows the lives of Bittori and Miren, two women who were once close friends but are now on opposite sides of the conflict.
After the murder of Bittori's husband by the terrorist group ETA, she returns to Guernica to confront Miren, who she believes knows the identity of the killer. As the two women grapple with their past and present, the novel explores themes of forgiveness, revenge, and the impact of violence on individuals and communities.
Patria is a powerful and moving novel that delves into the complexities of the Basque conflict and its lasting effects on those who lived through it.
Play | Title | Artist |
La Frontera
Voy A Conquistarte
Que Mas Da
Hasta la Piel
Te Quiero Dar
Shine Down
Matamoros Querido
El Último Beso