Perkins' 14 is a horror film directed by Craig Singer. The story follows a group of people who were kidnapped by a man named Ronald Perkins, who was seeking revenge for the murder of his daughter. Perkins brainwashes his victims and turns them into killers, each one assigned to take out one of the 14 people responsible for his daughter's death.
As the killings begin, a detective named Dwayne Hopper starts to investigate the case. He soon discovers the connection between the victims and realizes that they were all involved in a tragic accident years ago. Hopper must race against time to stop the killers before they complete their deadly mission.
The film is filled with suspense, gore, and twists that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats. With a chilling atmosphere and a gripping storyline, Perkins' 14 is a must-watch for horror fans looking for a thrilling and intense experience.