Plan Man is a South Korean comedy film directed by Sung Si-heub. The story follows a man named Han Jeong-seok who is obsessed with making plans for everything in his life. He believes that having a detailed plan is the key to success and happiness. However, his life takes an unexpected turn when he meets a free-spirited woman named Nam Seol-hee who challenges his rigid way of thinking.
As Jeong-seok tries to stick to his plans, he finds himself drawn to Seol-hee's carefree attitude and begins to question whether his obsession with planning is really bringing him the happiness he desires. The film explores themes of spontaneity, love, and the importance of finding a balance between structure and flexibility in life.
Will Jeong-seok be able to let go of his need for control and embrace the unpredictability of life? Watch Plan Man to find out!