Politically Correct Party Animals Soundtrack (

Politically Correct Party Animals Soundtrack (1994) cover

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A high school senior comes to visit Port Chester (aka Politically Correct U) for the weekend, and the admissions department mistakenly sets him up to stay with Droz, a seven year student and party-animal who lives in The Pit, the most offensive house on campus. After trying to pawn the pre-freshman off on his house mate, Droz sets off on his normal daily activities including disrupting a political protest by throwing meat at a group of vegan protesters. The President of the University then receives a number of complaints, and with the help of her lackey, she may finally have the power to kick Droz's house off campus. But the Pit throws an all-campus rager where George Clinton and the Parliament Funkadelic performs, and everything might turn out alright if the various political groups can forget their protests for one night and just have fun together.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Politically Correct Party Animals
Gruntruck: Performer
The Connells: Performer
Pump It Up
Ralph Sall: Produced
Elvis Costello: Writer
Mudhoney: Performer
Jonathan Richman: Writer
The Modern Lovers: Performer
What's Wrong With Me
Jeffrey McDonald: Writer
Redd Kross: Performer
Year of the Girl
Swervedriver: Performer
Swervedriver: Writer
Give Up the Funk (Tear the Roof Off the Sucker)
George Clinton: Performer
George Clinton: Writer
Ralph Sall: Produced
Erotic City
Afternoon Delight
Drinking and Driving
You Know You Can't Jump