Poltergeyst-90 Soundtrack (

Poltergeyst-90 Soundtrack (1991) cover

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Rating: 4.80/10 from 29 votes
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Poltergeyst-90 is a thrilling horror movie that follows the story of a family who moves into a new home, only to discover that it is haunted by a malevolent spirit. Strange occurrences begin happening, with objects moving on their own and eerie noises echoing throughout the house.

The family soon realizes that they are dealing with a poltergeist, a powerful and vengeful entity that is determined to harm them. As the haunting intensifies, they must find a way to rid their home of the spirit before it's too late.

With suspenseful scenes and heart-pounding moments, Poltergeyst-90 will keep viewers on the edge of their seats until the very end. Will the family be able to overcome the evil presence in their home, or will they fall victim to the poltergeist's wrath?

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User reviews

David Jackson

The ominous and foreboding tones present in the soundtrack mirror the malevolent presence of the poltergeist, intensifying the sense of danger and impending doom throughout the film.

Elizabeth Lewis

The soundtrack of Poltergeyst-90 perfectly complements the suspenseful atmosphere of the movie, enhancing the chilling moments and adding depth to the storyline.

Carol Smith

The lack of originality in the soundtrack of Poltergeyst-90 was disappointing. Instead of offering a unique and innovative musical accompaniment to the haunting story, the music felt repetitive and unremarkable, failing to leave a lasting impression on me as a viewer.

Anthony Mitchell

The music in Poltergeyst-90 effectively sets the mood for each scene, heightening the suspense and creating a sense of anticipation for what is to come next.

Michelle Nelson

The haunting melodies and chilling tones of the music create a sense of unease and tension, adding an extra layer of fear to the already intense scenes of the film.

Melissa Gonzalez

The soundtrack of Poltergeyst-90 perfectly enhances the eerie atmosphere of the movie, immersing the audience in a world of suspense and terror.

Daniel Turner

Overall, the soundtrack of Poltergeyst-90 is a crucial element in elevating the horror movie experience, effectively immersing the audience in a world of supernatural terror and suspense.

Anthony Johnson

The way the soundtrack builds up to key moments in the movie is masterfully done, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats and heightening the overall sense of dread and anticipation.

Karen Lee

The haunting melodies and eerie sounds in the soundtrack create a sense of unease and tension, effectively immersing the audience in the eerie world of the poltergeist haunting.

Sarah Allen

I found the musical choices in Poltergeyst-90 to be cliché and uninspired. The use of generic horror movie tropes and predictable cues made the soundtrack feel like a missed opportunity to create a truly chilling and memorable viewing experience.

Robert Jones

The musical score of Poltergeyst-90 effectively builds suspense and anticipation, heightening the impact of the film's scary moments and keeping viewers engaged throughout the movie.

Margaret Garcia

The soundtrack of Poltergeyst-90 perfectly captures the eerie and unsettling atmosphere of the movie, adding an extra layer of tension to the already suspenseful scenes.

Richard Harris

The music in Poltergeyst-90 effectively builds suspense and anticipation, creating a sense of unease that lingers long after the movie is over.

Donald Davis

The use of haunting melodies and chilling sound effects in the soundtrack enhances the overall sense of dread and fear, making the audience feel truly immersed in the supernatural events unfolding on screen.

Carol Lewis

The soundtrack of Poltergeyst-90 failed to enhance the suspenseful atmosphere of the movie. Instead of adding tension to the scenes, the music often felt out of place and disconnected from the action on screen.

Paul Lee

The soundtrack's ability to seamlessly blend with the visuals and enhance the emotional impact of key moments showcases the skillful craftsmanship of the composers behind Poltergeyst-90.

Steven Martinez

The hauntingly beautiful melodies featured in the soundtrack of Poltergeyst-90 add a layer of complexity to the storytelling, drawing viewers deeper into the supernatural world of the movie.