Pourquoi (pas) le Brésil Soundtrack (

Pourquoi (pas) le Brésil Soundtrack (2004) cover

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Rating: 4.90/10 from 116 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Pourquoi (pas) le Brésil

Title in Italiano:

Pourquoi (pas) le Brésil

Title in Português:

Pourquoi (pas) le Brésil


Pourquoi (pas) le Brésil

Why (not) Brazil is a documentary that explores the social and political situation in Brazil, focusing on the rise of Jair Bolsonaro to power. The film delves into the reasons behind his election as president and the impact of his controversial policies on the country.

The documentary also sheds light on the environmental issues facing Brazil, such as deforestation in the Amazon rainforest and the government's response to climate change. Through interviews with activists, politicians, and ordinary citizens, the film provides a comprehensive look at the challenges facing Brazil today.

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Pourquoi (pas) le Brésil

User reviews

Nancy Martinez

Furthermore, the choice of musical styles in the soundtrack did not align well with the themes of the film, creating a jarring contrast that distracted from the overall message. The lack of cohesion between the visuals and the music made it difficult to fully engage with the content, leaving me feeling disconnected and disinterested in the narrative.

Kimberly Martin

The soundtrack's dynamic range, from haunting melodies to uplifting rhythms, mirrors the highs and lows of Brazil's political and environmental struggles, resonating with the viewers on a visceral level.

Carol Jones

The emotional depth of the music in the documentary adds an extra layer of depth and complexity to the storytelling, drawing viewers in and immersing them in the narrative.

Karen Jones

The soundtrack of Pourquoi (pas) le Brésil felt disconnected and lacked emotional depth, failing to capture the intensity and complexity of the social and political issues portrayed in the documentary. The music seemed repetitive and monotonous, failing to evoke any sense of urgency or importance in the viewer.

William Allen

The music immerses the audience in the complex social and political landscape of Brazil, enhancing the storytelling and evoking a range of emotions throughout the film.

Jennifer Taylor

The use of traditional Brazilian rhythms and instruments in the music helped to create an authentic and immersive experience, enhancing the viewer's connection to the country's cultural context.

John Davis

Overall, the soundtrack of Pourquoi (pas) le Brésil played a vital role in enhancing the documentary's impact, offering a compelling auditory journey that deepened the audience's understanding of the issues at hand.

Dorothy Garcia

The compositions in the soundtrack are both thought-provoking and captivating, complementing the interviews and footage in a way that deepens the audience's understanding of the issues presented.

Nancy Wright

The soundtrack of Pourquoi (pas) le Brésil perfectly captures the essence of the documentary, setting the tone for each scene with its emotional and powerful compositions.

Timothy Moore

The diversity of musical styles and genres in the soundtrack added richness and texture to the overall viewing experience, showcasing the multifaceted nature of Brazilian culture.

Karen Hill

The musical choices in Pourquoi (pas) le Brésil struck a balance between being informative and engaging, enhancing the storytelling without overpowering the voices of the interviewees.

Melissa Moore

The composition of the soundtrack was skillfully crafted to mirror the complexity of the social and political issues explored in the documentary, providing a nuanced sonic backdrop to the narrative.

Mary Miller

The use of traditional Brazilian instruments in the soundtrack adds an authentic and cultural dimension to the documentary, enriching the viewing experience and connecting viewers to the heart of the country.

Donna Thomas

The soundtrack effectively underscored the environmental themes of the documentary, incorporating sounds of nature and indigenous music to highlight the importance of preserving Brazil's natural heritage.

Donald Green

The soundtrack effectively underscores the environmental themes of the film, creating a sense of urgency and highlighting the importance of protecting Brazil's natural resources.

Jennifer Thomas

The soundtrack of Pourquoi (pas) le Brésil effectively captured the tension and urgency of the documentary, adding depth to the emotional impact of the film.

Michelle Jackson

The emotional range of the music in Pourquoi (pas) le Brésil was impressive, offering moments of contemplation, intensity, and reflection that complemented the diverse perspectives presented in the film.

Elizabeth Hall

Overall, the soundtrack of Pourquoi (pas) le Brésil is a standout feature of the documentary, elevating the viewing experience and leaving a lasting impression with its memorable and moving compositions.

Donald Brown

The music in Pourquoi (pas) le Brésil is masterfully crafted, showcasing the talent and creativity of the composers who skillfully blend different musical styles to create a cohesive and impactful score.