Snijeg is a Bosnian film directed by Aida Begic. The story is set in a small Bosnian village that is still recovering from the aftermath of the Bosnian War. The village is isolated by snow, and the residents struggle to survive in the harsh winter conditions.
The film follows the lives of two sisters, Ajsa and Sabina, who are trying to make ends meet. Ajsa works as a nurse in a nearby town, while Sabina takes care of their sick mother. The sisters face various challenges, including dealing with their traumatic past and the harsh realities of their present situation.
As the snow continues to fall, the village becomes more and more isolated. The sisters must rely on each other for support and strength as they navigate through their difficult circumstances. Snijeg is a poignant and emotional film that explores themes of resilience, family, and the enduring human spirit.