Prince of the City
In the heart of New York City, a young detective named Jerry is faced with a difficult decision. He must choose between loyalty to his corrupt colleagues or doing the right thing and exposing their illegal activities.
As Jerry delves deeper into the world of police corruption, he realizes that the problem is much bigger than he ever imagined. He must navigate a dangerous web of lies and deceit in order to bring the corrupt officers to justice.
With his career and life on the line, Jerry must decide if he is willing to sacrifice everything for the truth. Will he be able to stand up to the powerful forces that seek to silence him, or will he succumb to the pressure and betray his own principles?
Prince of the City is a gripping tale of one man's struggle to do what is right in a world where corruption runs rampant. It is a story of courage, integrity, and the power of standing up for what you believe in.
Play | Title | Artist |
Prince of the City
Love Will Keep Us Together