"Privileged" is a gripping drama series that follows the lives of a group of wealthy teenagers living in an exclusive neighborhood. The show delves into the privileged world of these young adults as they navigate through the challenges of love, friendship, and family. With scandalous secrets, betrayals, and drama at every turn, viewers are kept on the edge of their seats as they watch the characters struggle to maintain their perfect facades. As the series unfolds, the teenagers are forced to confront their own personal demons and make difficult choices that will ultimately shape their futures. "Privileged" is a must-watch for anyone who enjoys compelling storytelling and complex characters.
Play | Title | Artist |
223's (feat. 9lokknine)
Like Me (feat. iann dior)
Tiger Park
Blastoff (feat. Juice Wrld & Trippie Redd)
Graduation (with Juice WRLD)