Puffball: The Devil's Eyeball is a horror film directed by Nicolas Roeg. The story follows a young couple, Liffey and Richard, who move to a remote Irish village to renovate an old farmhouse. Liffey becomes pregnant, but her pregnancy is complicated by strange occurrences in the village.
As Liffey's pregnancy progresses, she begins to have vivid dreams and experiences paranormal activity. She becomes convinced that her unborn child is in danger and seeks help from the villagers, who are secretive and unwelcoming.
As the tension escalates, Liffey's pregnancy takes a dark turn, and she must confront the supernatural forces at play in the village. The film explores themes of motherhood, fertility, and the supernatural, culminating in a shocking and unsettling conclusion.
Puffball: The Devil's Eyeball is a chilling and atmospheric horror film that will leave viewers on edge until the very end.