Queen In-hyun's Man is a South Korean television series that follows the story of a man named Kim Boong-do who travels through time from the Joseon era to modern-day Seoul. Boong-do is a scholar and nobleman who gets involved in a political conspiracy and is sentenced to death. However, he finds a talisman that allows him to travel 300 years into the future.
Once in modern-day Seoul, Boong-do meets Choi Hee-jin, an actress who is starring in a historical drama about Queen In-hyun. As Boong-do navigates the unfamiliar world of the present, he falls in love with Hee-jin and tries to find a way back to his own time.
Queen In-hyun's Man explores themes of love, fate, and the consequences of meddling with the past. The series received critical acclaim for its engaging storyline and strong performances from the cast.