"Ragazzi della notte" is a novel written by Italian author Pier Paolo Pasolini. The story follows a group of young boys living on the streets of Rome, struggling to survive in a harsh and unforgiving world. These boys, known as the "ragazzi della notte" or "boys of the night," form a close-knit community as they navigate the dangers of poverty, violence, and exploitation.
As they band together to protect each other and find solace in their shared experiences, they also face internal conflicts and betrayals that threaten to tear their fragile bonds apart. Through their eyes, Pasolini explores themes of friendship, loyalty, and the search for identity in a society that has abandoned them.
With "Ragazzi della notte," Pasolini shines a light on the marginalized and forgotten members of society, giving voice to those who are often silenced and overlooked. The novel is a powerful and poignant portrayal of the resilience and humanity of these young boys, as they strive to find hope and meaning in a world that offers them little in return.