Ravenous is a 1999 horror film directed by Antonia Bird. The story follows a group of soldiers stationed at a remote outpost in the Sierra Nevada mountains during the Mexican-American War. When a stranger arrives at the outpost claiming to have survived a harrowing journey through the snow-covered wilderness, the soldiers soon realize that he may not be what he seems.
As the soldiers begin to succumb to a mysterious illness, they discover that the stranger is actually a wendigo, a mythical creature from Native American folklore that possesses those who consume human flesh. With their survival at stake, the soldiers must band together to defeat the wendigo before it consumes them all.
Ravenous is a unique blend of horror, comedy, and historical drama that explores themes of cannibalism, survival, and the darkness that lies within us all. With a standout performance by Robert Carlyle as the enigmatic stranger, the film has gained a cult following for its unconventional take on the horror genre.