Recovery of an MMO Junkie is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Rin Kokuyou. The story follows Moriko Morioka, a 30-year-old woman who quits her job to become a NEET after experiencing overwhelming stress in the workplace. She decides to spend her time playing an online MMORPG called Fruits de Mer, where she creates a male character named Hayashi.
As Hayashi, Moriko meets a female character named Lily, and the two quickly become friends. They form a close bond and spend hours playing the game together. However, Moriko is unaware that Lily is actually a man named Yuta Sakurai, who coincidentally works at the same company she used to work for.
Recovery of an MMO Junkie explores themes of friendship, romance, and self-discovery as Moriko navigates her new life as a NEET and forms connections with others both in the virtual world and in real life.
Play | Title | Artist |
Recovery of an MMO Junkie
Saturday Night Question
Megumi Nakajima:
Hikari, Hikari
Yuuka Aisaka: