Riff-Raff is a British film directed by Ken Loach. The story follows Stevie, a young Scottish ex-convict who is trying to get his life back on track after being released from prison. He finds work on a construction site in London, where he meets and falls in love with Susan, a young woman who is also struggling to make ends meet.
As Stevie tries to navigate his new life and stay out of trouble, he is drawn into the world of his coworkers, a group of rough and rowdy characters known as the "Riff-Raff." Despite their rough exterior, Stevie forms a bond with his coworkers and finds a sense of camaraderie among them.
However, as Stevie and Susan's relationship deepens, they face challenges and obstacles that threaten to tear them apart. Stevie must confront his past and make difficult decisions about his future, all while trying to hold onto the newfound stability and happiness he has found with Susan.
Riff-Raff is a poignant and gritty film that explores themes of love, redemption, and the struggle to overcome adversity. With powerful performances and a raw, realistic portrayal of working-class life in London, the film is a moving and thought-provoking look at the human experience.
Play | Title | Artist |
Always On My Mind
With A Little Help From My Friends
Won't You Charleston With Me
Sandy Wilson:
Spread A Little Happiness
I'm So Excited
Good Morning
Nacio Herb Brown:
Everytime I Say Goodbye
The Sun Has Got His Hat On