Robowar is a science fiction film that follows a group of soldiers who are sent on a mission to a remote island to track down a rogue military robot. The robot, known as Omega One, was created for combat but has gone haywire and is now targeting anyone in its path.
The soldiers must navigate through the jungle and face various obstacles as they try to take down Omega One. As they get closer to the robot, they realize that it is more powerful and intelligent than they ever imagined. The team must work together and use all their skills to defeat Omega One before it's too late.
Robowar is a thrilling action-packed film that explores the dangers of artificial intelligence and the consequences of creating machines that are more powerful than humans. It is a race against time as the soldiers fight to save themselves and prevent Omega One from causing more destruction.
Play | Title | Artist |
I Trust
Break It Up
Maurizio Cerantola:
Maurizio Cerantola: Lead vocals Shout: Performer Mark Rossetti: (1985) (from "metallo italia") composed |