Room 104 is an American television anthology series created by Mark Duplass and Jay Duplass. The series is set in a single room of an American hotel, exploring the different stories and characters that pass through it.
The unique aspect of Room 104 is that each episode is a standalone story, with no connection to the previous or following episodes. This allows for a wide range of genres and themes to be explored, from horror and comedy to drama and suspense.
Throughout the series, viewers are introduced to a diverse cast of characters, each with their own compelling and intriguing stories to tell. The unpredictability of each episode keeps audiences on the edge of their seats, never knowing what to expect next.
Room 104 is a captivating and innovative series that pushes the boundaries of traditional television storytelling. With its creative approach to narrative and character development, Room 104 offers a fresh and exciting viewing experience for audiences of all tastes.