"Running Wilde" is a comedy series that follows the story of Steve Wilde, a wealthy and eccentric playboy who is trying to win over his childhood sweetheart, Emmy Kadubic. Emmy is an environmental activist who is passionate about saving the world and has no interest in Steve's extravagant lifestyle.
Despite their differences, Steve is determined to prove his love for Emmy and win her heart. He enlists the help of his loyal but dim-witted friend, Fa'ad Shaoulian, to assist him in his quest. Together, they embark on a series of hilarious and often misguided attempts to impress Emmy and show her that he is capable of change.
As Steve and Emmy navigate their complicated relationship, they must also deal with the interference of Emmy's overprotective daughter, Puddle, and Steve's conniving neighbor, Andy. Will Steve be able to convince Emmy that he is serious about changing his ways, or will his antics only push her further away?