Scare Package is a horror comedy anthology film that pays homage to classic horror tropes and clichés. The movie follows Chad, a video store clerk who is hired to work at a specialty horror video store called Rad Chad's Horror Emporium. As Chad learns the ropes of the job, he discovers that the store's owner has a dark secret – he is a member of a secret society of horror enthusiasts who are obsessed with creating the ultimate horror experience.
Each segment of the film is directed by a different filmmaker and explores a different horror subgenre, from slasher films to creature features. The segments are tied together by Chad's interactions with the store's eccentric customers and his growing realization that he may be in over his head.
Scare Package is a love letter to horror fans, filled with references and Easter eggs that will delight genre enthusiasts. The film is a fun and gory ride that celebrates the history of horror cinema while putting a fresh and comedic spin on familiar tropes.