"Selling Innocence" is a drama film that follows the story of a young girl named Hailey, who dreams of becoming a model. Hailey's mother, Karen, sees an opportunity to make money by exploiting her daughter's beauty and innocence in the modeling industry. As Hailey's career takes off, she is faced with difficult decisions and moral dilemmas that challenge her sense of self-worth and identity.
The film explores the dark side of the fashion industry and the exploitation of young girls for profit. Hailey's journey serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of selling one's innocence for fame and fortune. As she navigates the cutthroat world of modeling, Hailey must confront the harsh realities of the industry and decide what price she is willing to pay for success.
Play | Title | Artist |
Selling Innocence
Black Velvet
David Tyson:
Sweet Ones
Your Consciousness Goes Bip
Dominique Dalcan:
First Cool I Live
Black Black Heart