Sex, Drugs & Rock 'n' Chips Soundtrack (

Sex, Drugs & Rock 'n' Chips Soundtrack (2010) cover

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Rating: 7.10/10 from 1600 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Rock & Chips

Title in Italiano:

Rock & Chips

Title in Português:

Rock & Chips

Title in Français:

Rock & Chips

Title in Türk:

Rock & Chips

Title in Deutsch:

Rock & Chips


Rock & Chips

Hard-working Joan Trotter lives in Peckham, London, with her lazy husband Reg, his father and her wheeler-dealer son Derek, known as 'Del', who has just left school. It's 1960 and new flats are being built. Joan wants the family to move into one from their pokey terrace house but is told priority is for families with small children.

Freddie 'The Frog' Robnal, released after ten years in prison for robbery, returns to Peckham and is attracted to Joan - though he robs the cinema where she is the assistant manager. He throws a party, making sure she is the only guest and they end up in bed as he had planned. Joan gets pregnant but convinces bone-head Reg that he is the father though Del has his doubts.

At least Joan's situation gets her her wish - to move her family into the flats, where she gives birth to baby Rodney, named after Rod Taylor, star of the film 'The Time Machine'.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Sex, Drugs & Rock 'n' Chips
I Want To Walk You Home
Fats Domino: Writer
Fats Domino: Performer

User reviews

Robert Rodriguez

The use of rock and roll music in the series adds a dynamic and energetic element to the storytelling, enhancing the overall viewing experience.

Kenneth Roberts

The soundtrack of Sex, Drugs & Rock 'n' Chips truly captures the essence of the 1960s era with its nostalgic blend of rock and pop tunes. The music perfectly sets the mood for the working-class struggles and ambitions depicted in the story, adding depth to the characters' experiences.

Donald Taylor

The soundtrack of Sex, Drugs & Rock 'n' Chips truly captures the essence of the 1960s era, transporting me to a time of rock 'n' roll music and rebellious spirit. The music perfectly complements the storyline and enhances the overall viewing experience, making me feel like I'm right there in Peckham with the characters.

Nancy Davis

On the other hand, some tracks in the soundtrack feel a bit repetitive and fail to bring anything new or innovative to the table. While the music enhances certain scenes, there are moments where it feels like a generic background score rather than a standout feature of the show.

Steven Johnson

Additionally, I felt that the choice of music in some key moments was jarring and took me out of the immersive experience of the show. The abrupt shifts in tone and style made it difficult to connect with the characters and the narrative, ultimately detracting from my overall enjoyment of the series.

Paul Perez

The soundtrack effectively sets the mood for the various scenes, creating a sense of excitement and anticipation that keeps the audience engaged.

James Parker

I found the soundtrack of Sex, Drugs & Rock 'n' Chips to be lacking in originality and creativity. Many of the musical pieces felt generic and did not enhance the storytelling or emotional depth of the scenes.

Donald Smith

The band soundtrack of Sex, Drugs & Rock 'n' Chips not only complements the narrative but also stands on its own as a collection of memorable and enjoyable tunes.

Mark Baker

The nostalgic tunes featured in the soundtrack of Sex, Drugs & Rock 'n' Chips evoke a sense of nostalgia and authenticity, immersing me in the world of Joan Trotter and her family. Each song is carefully selected to reflect the emotions and struggles of the characters, creating a memorable and engaging musical backdrop that enhances the storytelling.

Kenneth Phillips

The musical choices in the series are skillfully curated, blending classic hits with lesser-known gems to create a rich and diverse sonic landscape.

Margaret White

The band soundtrack of Sex, Drugs & Rock 'n' Chips perfectly captures the nostalgic 1960s era with its authentic and immersive soundscapes.