Shallow Grave is a British black comedy crime film directed by Danny Boyle. The film follows three roommates, Juliet, David, and Alex, who find their new roommate dead in their apartment with a suitcase full of money. They decide to keep the money and bury the body in the shallow grave in the backyard.
As they try to cover up their crime, their relationships start to deteriorate and paranoia sets in. The police start to investigate the missing roommate, and the three friends turn on each other as they try to protect themselves and the money.
Shallow Grave explores themes of greed, betrayal, and the consequences of one's actions. The film received critical acclaim for its dark humor, suspenseful plot, and strong performances from its lead actors.
Play | Title | Artist |
Shallow Grave
Pilot Mode
Can't Get To Heaven
Mason Daring:
He And She
Burnin' My Heart Out