She Monkeys is a Swedish drama film that follows the story of two teenage girls, Emma and Cassandra, who become involved in a competitive equestrian vaulting team. As they train together, their friendship is tested and their rivalry intensifies.
Emma is a confident and experienced vaulter, while Cassandra is new to the sport and eager to prove herself. The two girls quickly develop a complex relationship, with Emma taking on a mentor role and Cassandra looking up to her.
However, as their training progresses, jealousy and power dynamics come into play, leading to a series of intense and provocative challenges between the two girls. The film explores themes of adolescent sexuality and female empowerment, as Emma and Cassandra navigate their growing attraction to each other while also grappling with their competitive instincts.
Ultimately, She Monkeys delves into the complexities of teenage relationships and the struggle for dominance in a world where power dynamics are constantly shifting.