The drama revolves around the lives of homemakers living in a luxurious residential area called SKY Castle in suburban Seoul, where wealthy doctors and professors live. The wives are determined to make their husbands more successful and raise their children like princes and princesses and use every way possible to make them top students who will attend top universities. They spend billions of won to hire coordinators for college entrance exams.
Han Seo Jin is married to orthopedic surgeon Kang Joon Sang; they have two daughters. Han Seo Jin seems to have a perfect life, but she has a secret. Lee Soo Im is a writer of children's books who is deeply affectionate and considerate; she and her neurosurgeon husband Hwang Chi Young have a son. Noh Seung Hye is married to law-school professor Cha Min Hyuk, who talks about justice and happiness but hides a different, extremely-egotistic side; they have two sons. Jin Jin Hee comes from a wealthy family; she admires Han Seo Jin and tries to copy everything she does. Like Han Seo Jin, Jin Jin Hee is married to an orthopedic surgeon, Woo Yang Woo.
Han Seo Jin hires coordinator Kim Joo Young to have her daughter Kang Ye Seo, a model student admitted to Seoul University Medical School. Hwang Chi Yeong's family moves into the SKY Castle. His family often clashes with the other members of the castle because of their differences of opinion. Following a tragic incident in the castle, the families' fates are tangled and new revelations dawn.
Play | Title | Artist |
SKY Castle
Princess Maker
The Time Is On My Side
It Has To Be You
We All Lie
I Do
Feel Good