SMILF is a comedy-drama television series that follows the life of Bridgette Bird, a young single mother living in South Boston. Bridgette struggles to balance raising her young son, working as a part-time actress, and navigating the challenges of dating and relationships.
Throughout the series, Bridgette faces various obstacles and setbacks as she tries to make a better life for herself and her son. She grapples with issues of poverty, self-esteem, and the expectations placed on her as a young mother. Despite these challenges, Bridgette remains determined to create a fulfilling life for herself and her son, even if it means making difficult choices along the way.
SMILF explores themes of motherhood, womanhood, and the complexities of modern relationships in a raw and honest way. The series offers a unique and refreshing perspective on the struggles and triumphs of single motherhood, making it a must-watch for fans of character-driven storytelling.