Sometimes Always Never is a British comedy-drama film that follows a quirky tailor named Alan, played by Bill Nighy, who is obsessed with playing Scrabble. Alan's son Michael disappeared years ago after a heated game of Scrabble, leaving a rift in their relationship.
Alan's other son, Peter, played by Sam Riley, joins him in the search for Michael, while also trying to mend their strained relationship. Together, they navigate through the complexities of family dynamics and unresolved emotions.
The film explores themes of loss, grief, and the power of words in communication. As Alan and Peter delve deeper into their past, they uncover hidden truths and confront their own demons.
Sometimes Always Never is a heartwarming and poignant story about the importance of forgiveness, understanding, and the bonds that hold families together. It is a tale of redemption and reconciliation that will leave viewers reflecting on their own relationships and the power of words to heal wounds.
Play | Title | Artist |
Sometimes Always Never
Sometimes Always Never