Stone Quackers is an American animated television series created by Ben Jones. The show follows the adventures of two ducks, named Whitney and Clay, as they navigate through the surreal and absurd world of East Peckham.
The series is known for its unique animation style, which combines hand-drawn characters with computer-generated backgrounds. The humor of Stone Quackers is often described as bizarre and offbeat, with a focus on surreal and absurdist humor.
Throughout the show, Whitney and Clay encounter a variety of eccentric characters, including a psychotic squirrel, a deranged cat, and a depressed pizza delivery guy. The series explores themes of friendship, identity, and existentialism in a whimsical and irreverent manner.
Stone Quackers has received mixed reviews from critics, with some praising its originality and creativity, while others criticize its lack of coherence and consistency. Despite this, the show has developed a dedicated and loyal fan base who appreciate its unconventional approach to storytelling.