Suck Me Shakespeer is a German comedy film directed by Bora Dagtekin. The story follows a young ex-convict named Zeki Müller who takes on a job as a substitute teacher at a high school in order to retrieve a stash of stolen money buried beneath the school's gymnasium.
As Zeki struggles to maintain order in his unruly classroom, he forms a bond with his students and begins to genuinely care about their well-being. Along the way, he also falls for the school's attractive English teacher, Lisi Schnabelstedt.
The film is filled with hilarious moments as Zeki and his students navigate the ups and downs of high school life. Despite his unconventional methods, Zeki ultimately proves to be a positive influence on the students and helps them discover their own potential.
Suck Me Shakespeer is a heartwarming and entertaining film that explores themes of redemption, friendship, and the power of education. It has been praised for its witty humor, engaging performances, and heartfelt message about the importance of second chances.