Survivors of the Holocaust Soundtrack (

Survivors of the Holocaust Soundtrack (1996) cover

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Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Survivors of the Holocaust

Title in Italiano:

Survivors of the Holocaust

Title in Português:

Survivors of the Holocaust


This documentary blends personal accounts of what happened before, during and after WWII. One testimony tells of a sister sending tear-stained letters from the prison camp, while another survivor tells the story of how his father traded portions of the family's food that was being saved for the liberation march, a few slices of bread, for a Jewish prayer book in order to perform a Passover sedar and for Sabbath. Woven together with survivor testimonies, archival footage, original music, source music and survivors' personal photographs and artifacts, the documentary will show the richness of life before the war, the rise and fall of Nazi power, the liberation of the camps and life now, 50 years later, all as seen through the eyes of those who survived.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Survivors of the Holocaust
My Yiddishe Momme
Jack Yellen: Writer
You and I
Shony Alex Braun: Performer
Shony Alex Braun: Writer