Taking Tiger Mountain Revisited Soundtrack (

Taking Tiger Mountain Revisited Soundtrack (2019) cover

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Rating: 7.20/10 from 74 votes
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Taking Tiger Mountain Revisited

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Taking Tiger Mountain Revisited

Title in Português:

Taking Tiger Mountain Revisited

Title in Français:

Taking Tiger Mountain: Revisited


Taking Tiger Mountain: Revisited is a film that follows a soldier named Billy Hampton who is sent on a mission to assassinate a rebel leader in a post-apocalyptic future. As he navigates through the dangerous terrain, he encounters a group of rebels who have their own plans for the leader.

The film is a reimagining of the 1970s cult classic "Taking Tiger Mountain" and features a mix of live-action and animated sequences. The story is told through a series of flashbacks and dream sequences, adding to the surreal and dystopian atmosphere of the film.

As Billy gets closer to his target, he begins to question his mission and his loyalty to his superiors. The film explores themes of power, control, and rebellion, making it a thought-provoking and visually stunning experience for viewers.

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Taking Tiger Mountain Revisited

User reviews

Carol Brown

The soundtrack's seamless integration with the visuals creates a cohesive audio-visual experience that enhances the overall impact of the film. The music serves as a powerful storytelling tool, enhancing key moments and adding layers of meaning to the narrative.

Matthew Davis

The use of sound design in Taking Tiger Mountain Revisited is exceptional. The way the music seamlessly blends with the visuals creates a captivating and immersive viewing experience.

John White

Overall, the soundtrack of Taking Tiger Mountain Revisited is a standout feature of the film, elevating the viewing experience and leaving a lasting impression on the audience.

Thomas Johnson

The soundtrack not only complements the narrative of the film but also elevates it to a whole new level. The emotional depth and complexity of the music add layers of meaning to the story.

Andrew Martin

The use of diverse musical styles in the soundtrack adds depth and complexity to the storytelling. From haunting melodies to energetic beats, the music effectively conveys the character development and the evolving plot twists throughout the film.

Richard Smith

The soundtrack of Taking Tiger Mountain Revisited beautifully captures the intense and suspenseful atmosphere of the film. Each track enhances the emotions and tension of the scenes, immersing the audience in Billy Hampton's journey.

Edward Davis

Overall, the music in Taking Tiger Mountain Revisited is a standout feature that enhances the overall impact of the film. It sets the tone, builds tension, and adds an extra layer of depth to the characters and their motivations.

Emily Lewis

The soundtrack of Taking Tiger Mountain Revisited perfectly captures the eerie and dystopian atmosphere of the film. The mix of electronic and orchestral elements enhances the surreal experience for the audience.

Ashley Rodriguez

The music in the film effectively conveys the inner turmoil and conflict of the protagonist, Billy Hampton. The haunting melodies and intense beats mirror his journey through the post-apocalyptic world.