Tango of Jealousy Soundtrack (

Tango of Jealousy Soundtrack (1981) cover

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Rating: 5.80/10 from 169 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

El tango de los celos

Title in Italiano:

Il tango della gelosia

Title in Português:

O Tango do Ciúme


"Il tango della gelosia" is a captivating story about love, jealousy, and betrayal set in the world of tango dancing. The film follows the passionate relationship between two tango dancers, Marco and Sofia, who are also partners on and off the dance floor.

As their love for each other grows, so does Marco's jealousy. He becomes increasingly possessive and controlling, driving a wedge between them. Sofia, torn between her love for Marco and her desire for independence, must navigate the complexities of their relationship.

When a new dancer, Alejandro, enters their lives, tensions rise even higher. Alejandro's charm and talent threaten to disrupt the fragile balance between Marco and Sofia, leading to a dramatic showdown on the dance floor.

With stunning dance sequences and a gripping storyline, "Il tango della gelosia" is a must-see for fans of romance and drama.

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Tango of Jealousy
Tango della gelosia

User reviews

Michelle Baker

The soundtrack of Tango of Jealousy perfectly captures the passionate and intense emotions of the characters as they navigate the complexities of love, jealousy, and betrayal. The music enhances every scene, drawing me deeper into the story and making me feel the characters' emotions as if they were my own.

Thomas Lopez

I found the soundtrack of Tango of Jealousy to be lacking in emotional depth and originality. The music did not effectively capture the intensity and passion of the love triangle between Marco, Sofia, and Alejandro.

Kenneth Miller

The music enhances the sensuality of the dance scenes, immersing the audience in the intimate and intricate world of tango dancing.

Amanda Allen

The use of traditional tango melodies mixed with modern arrangements creates a dynamic and engaging listening experience that complements the film's storyline.

Kenneth Phillips

The soundtrack of Tango of Jealousy perfectly captures the passion and intensity of the tango dance scenes, enhancing the emotional depth of the film.

Sarah Smith

The soundtrack sets the tone for the entire film, setting the stage for the unfolding drama and romance.

Carol Smith

The soundtrack's melodies linger in your mind long after the movie ends, a testament to its memorable compositions.

Ronald Martinez

Overall, the band soundtrack of Tango of Jealousy is a crucial element that elevates the film to a whole new level of storytelling.

Patricia Carter

Overall, I believe that the soundtrack of Tango of Jealousy missed an opportunity to elevate the film's narrative with a more dynamic and evocative musical score.

Ashley Moore

The fusion of traditional tango music with modern elements gives the soundtrack a unique and contemporary feel.

Donald Jones

Each track in the soundtrack evokes a different mood, from sensuality to tension, mirroring the ups and downs of the characters' journey.

Michael Jackson

The music seamlessly integrates with the dance sequences, creating a mesmerizing viewing experience.

Edward Hall

The songs felt repetitive and uninspired, failing to enhance the dramatic tension of the story. I was disappointed by the lack of variety in musical styles, as the tango genre could have been explored more creatively to reflect the characters' emotional turmoil.

Richard Clark

Each tango piece in the soundtrack is masterfully composed and performed, creating a rich and immersive experience for the audience. The music not only complements the stunning dance sequences but also elevates them, adding an extra layer of depth and emotion to the performances. Overall, the soundtrack of Tango of Jealousy is a true masterpiece that enhances the film's narrative and leaves a lasting impact on the viewer.

Ronald Lewis

Overall, the soundtrack of Tango of Jealousy is a vital component of the film's success, elevating the storytelling and enhancing the viewer's emotional connection to the characters and their journey.

Deborah Campbell

The haunting melodies and rhythmic beats of the soundtrack stay with you long after the film ends, underscoring the film's themes of love, passion, and conflict.

Donna Young

The music evokes a sense of longing and desire, mirroring the internal struggles of the main characters as they navigate love, jealousy, and betrayal.

Anthony King

The band soundtrack of Tango of Jealousy perfectly captures the passion and intensity of the tango dancing world.

Michelle Young

The use of music to convey the characters' inner turmoil and conflicts is masterfully done, drawing the audience deeper into the story.

Melissa Hall

The soundtrack effectively builds tension during key moments, adding a layer of suspense and drama to the narrative.

Ronald Williams

The music enhances the emotional depth of the story, adding layers of complexity to Marco and Sofia's relationship.