"Teen Spirit" is a coming-of-age drama film that follows the story of a young girl named Violet, who dreams of escaping her small town and pursuing her passion for singing. Despite facing numerous obstacles and self-doubt, Violet decides to audition for a singing competition called "Teen Spirit", with the help of a former opera singer named Vlad. As Violet navigates the challenges of the competition and her personal life, she learns valuable lessons about perseverance, friendship, and staying true to oneself. Will Violet be able to overcome her fears and achieve her dreams of becoming a successful singer? Watch "Teen Spirit" to find out!
Play | Title | Artist |
Teen Spirit
I Was A Fool
Destiny's Calling
Jesu, Joy Of Man's Desiring
Fiora Cutler:
Just a Girl
Katy Perry:
Addio Fiorito Asil
Danny Boy
Flashdance (What A Feeling)
Giorgio Moroder:
Dancing On My Own
Finding My Way Home
Aurora Borealis
Humming Chorus
Giacomo Puccini:
Sexy Girl (Get Next To Me)
Little Bird
Lean On (feat. DJ Snake)
Saturday Night
Better Off Alone
How Do You Love Now
Barbie Girl
Good Time
Teenage Kicks
Tattooed Heart
Don't Kill My Vibe
Halcyon And On And On