Tempted Soundtrack (

Tempted Soundtrack (2001) cover

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Rating: 5.50/10 from 1226 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Juego de seducción

Title in Italiano:

Tentazione mortale

Title in Português:


Title in Français:

Séduction fatale

Title in Türk:

Séduction fatale

Title in Deutsch:

Verführe mich!


A deadly thriller set in New Orleans, about a wealthy businessman, Charlie Le Blanc, who discovers that he only has a short time to live. As he prepares to will his fortune to his beautiful, adoring young wife, Lilly, he begins to wonder if she really deserves it. In order to test her loyalty, he befriends a handsome young man, Jimmy Mulate, and offers him $40,000 to tempt his wife. Jimmy refuses at first, until he meets Lilly, then he's hooked. He makes his play for her and she refuses; she really is loyal to her husband Charlie. But when Charlie's secretary tells Lilly about the scheme she becomes infuriated, invites Jimmy back to her house, and sleeps with him. Unbeknownst to the lovers, Charlie has had a surveillance expert wire the house, and now he knows everything. When Charlie confronts Jimmy and asks if he has anything to report, Jimmy says "no", because he has fallen in love with Lilly. He has now become a pawn in this deadly game between husband and wife. Charlie then hatches a nefarious plan to punish them both.

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Play Title Artist
Baby I love you
Cedell Davis: Performer
Cedell Davis: Writer