In a dark and desolate world, a lone figure wanders through the abandoned streets of a once bustling city. The figure, known only as The Wanderer, is on a mission to find the elusive Terminal, a place rumored to hold the key to saving humanity from the brink of extinction.
As The Wanderer navigates through the dangerous and treacherous landscape, they encounter various obstacles and challenges that test their strength and determination. Along the way, they meet other survivors who join them on their quest, forming a ragtag group of misfits united in their goal to reach the Terminal.
But as they draw closer to their destination, they realize that the Terminal is not what they expected. It is a place of darkness and despair, where the true nature of humanity is revealed in all its ugliness. The Wanderer must make a choice: to embrace the darkness and save themselves, or to fight for the light and risk everything for a chance at redemption.
Will The Wanderer and their companions be able to overcome the challenges that await them at the Terminal? Or will they succumb to the darkness that threatens to consume them all?
Play | Title | Artist |
Silent Killer (From the Original Motion Picture ‘Terminal’)
On the Ball
You Don't Own Me (feat. G-Eazy)
Hold Me Down
Shoot You Down
Queen of Hearts
Never Again
Newton Faulkner:
Falling Through the Looking Glass
Better to Be Feared Than Loved
Newton Faulkner: