Terminus is a futuristic adventure film set in a world reminiscent of "Mad Max". In this world, an international sport has been established where a driver of a computerized truck must navigate across the country to a designated terminus without being stopped by other vehicles.
The lead truck, known as "Monster", has been created by a young genius and is meant to be driven by a woman through the course. However, a malfunction in the computer guidance system causes her to veer off course and into uncharted territories.
There, she encounters a group of leather-clad hoods who torture and ultimately kill her. Before her death, she reveals information about the truck to a fellow prisoner, who uses it to escape. The film then follows his journey as he forms a unique relationship with the truck's computer, reminiscent of the dynamic between HAL and the crew in "2001: A Space Odyssey".
Meanwhile, back at the Terminus, the boy genius who created the truck is under the control of a mysterious doctor who may have ulterior motives.
Play | Title | Artist |
End of the Line - Terminus Love Theme