"Terror's Advocate" is a documentary film that explores the life and career of French lawyer Jacques Vergès, who gained notoriety for defending controversial clients such as Klaus Barbie and Carlos the Jackal. The film delves into Vergès' upbringing in a politically active family, his time as a resistance fighter during World War II, and his transformation into a lawyer known for taking on cases that others would shy away from.
Through interviews with Vergès himself, as well as with colleagues, friends, and critics, "Terror's Advocate" paints a complex portrait of a man who was both admired and reviled for his willingness to defend individuals accused of heinous crimes. The film also examines Vergès' connections to various political movements and his controversial views on terrorism and justice.
Ultimately, "Terror's Advocate" raises questions about the nature of justice, the role of defense attorneys in society, and the ethical dilemmas faced by those who choose to represent the accused, no matter how unpopular or despised they may be.