The Adventures of Sebastian Cole Soundtrack (

The Adventures of Sebastian Cole Soundtrack (1998) cover

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Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Las aventuras de Sebastian Cole

Title in Português:

The Adventures of Sebastian Cole


In June, 1983, in Dutchess County, New York, Sebastian Cole joins his mother, step-father, and sister for dinner. Hank, Sebastian's step-father, drops a bomb: he announces he's changing sexes. Sebastian's sister splits immediately for California, and his mother takes him back to England. Jump ahead eight months, Sebastian is back in New York, knocking on Hank's door. Hank (now Henrietta, although all the surgeries aren't complete) takes Sebastian in and is his rock over the next few months of high school. Sebastian's "adventures" are mostly self-destructive.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
The Adventures of Sebastian Cole
Where is My Mind
Frank Black: Writer
Banana in My Cabana (I Wanna Put My)
Coati Mundi: Performer
Coati Mundi: Writer
The Breakup Song
Greg Kihn: Performer
I Ran
A Flock of Seagulls: Performer
Whole Wide World
Eric Goulden: Writer
Blank Generation
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