The Big Fat Quiz of Everything is a British television quiz show created and presented by Jimmy Carr. It first aired in 2016 and has since become an annual event. The show features teams of celebrities answering questions on a wide range of topics, from history and science to pop culture and sports.
Each team is made up of three celebrities who compete against each other to see who knows the most about, well, everything. The questions are challenging and often require a mix of general knowledge and quick thinking to answer correctly.
One of the highlights of the show is the banter between the contestants and the witty remarks from host Jimmy Carr. The show has become a fan favorite for its humor, intelligence, and unpredictability.
The Big Fat Quiz of Everything is a must-watch for trivia buffs and fans of British comedy alike. So grab a pen and paper, get ready to test your knowledge, and see if you can keep up with the celebrities on this hilarious quiz show!