The Fades is a British supernatural drama television series that follows the story of a teenager named Paul who starts seeing spirits of the dead, known as "Fades". These spirits are trapped in the world of the living and are unable to move on to the afterlife. Paul soon discovers that the Fades are becoming more powerful and dangerous, posing a threat to both the living and the dead.
As Paul tries to navigate his newfound abilities and protect those he cares about, he teams up with a group of individuals who are also aware of the Fades' existence. Together, they must find a way to stop the Fades from wreaking havoc on the world and find a way to restore balance between the living and the dead.
The Fades explores themes of life, death, and the supernatural, as well as the consequences of meddling with forces beyond our understanding. The series received critical acclaim for its unique storyline, compelling characters, and suspenseful plot twists.