The Girl in the Sneakers Soundtrack (

The Girl in the Sneakers Soundtrack (1999) cover

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Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

The Girl in the Sneakers

Title in Italiano:

The Girl in the Sneakers

Title in Português:

The Girl in the Sneakers


A somewhat cynical take on Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, this film's romantic plot focuses on the troubles surrounding a young couple in love. Infatuated with teenage boy Aideen, Tadaei heads for school as usual one morning, but decides not to go after all. Instead, she roams the streets of Tehran over a 24 hour period. She makes up her mind not to return to home and run away with Aideen, much to the outrage of her parents, who are horrified at the idea of Tadaei being caught alone with a young man. Harangued by the police, Tadaei's experiences make her change her mentality of love, and inevitably her pathway.

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The Girl in the Sneakers