The Good Thief Soundtrack (

The Good Thief Soundtrack (2002) cover

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Rating: 6.50/10 from 11000 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

El buen ladrón

Title in Italiano:

Triplo gioco

Title in Português:

O Bom Ladrão

Title in Français:

L'homme de la Riviera


The film is about an aging thief, gambler, and drug user Bob (Nick Nolte) who is down on his luck. He has a chance to change his luck by robbing a casino in the French Riviera. However, what Bob doesn't know is that someone has tipped the police of the heist. The policeman, Roger (Tcheky Karyo) who has a friendship with Bob, begins to watch him knowing that he will eventually have to arrest Bob for this crime.

To get ready for the heist, Bob quits taking drugs cold turkey. Bob gets Roger to drive him to an addiction meeting and tries to get Roger to admit that he is an addict too. Bob goes into the meeting and goes out the back door. Bob's part in the heist is to gamble at the casino and keep the police focused on him while the team does the job.

With Anne (Nutsa Kukhianidze) and great style, Bob wins big. Douglas Young (the-movie-guy).

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
The Good Thief
Parisien du Nord
Mohamed Khelifati: Performer
Jacques Plante: Lyrics
Lucienne Delyle: Performer
Louis Ferrari: Performer
Salou Maana
Mohamed Khelifati: Performer
A Thousand Kisses Deep
Leonard Cohen: Writer
Leonard Cohen: Performer
Noir c'est Noir
Georges Aber: French lyrics
Johnny Hallyday: Performer
Rachid Taha: Performer
Tonk Game
Hank Marr: Writer
Hank Marr: Performer
Khaled: Performer
Safy Boutella: Writer
La Vérité
Rachid Taha: Performer
It Began in Afrika
Je T'aime-Moi Non Plus
Serge Gainsbourg: Writer
Serge Gainsbourg: Performer
Fin de Siecle
Bertrand Cantat: Writer
Noir Désir: Performer
Si, mi chiamano Mimi
That's Life
Bono: Performer
Dean Kay: Writer
Elliot Goldenthal: Produced
Je t'Aime... moi non plus
Serge Gainsbourg: Performer
Serge Gainsbourg: Lyrics

User reviews

Karen Baker

The music selection adds depth to the character of Bob, reflecting his inner struggles and redemption journey as he tries to change his luck by pulling off a risky heist.

Margaret Thompson

The jazzy and upbeat tracks during the heist sequences create a sense of tension and excitement, making the viewer feel like they are part of the action.

William Anderson

The soundtrack's blend of jazz, blues, and electronic elements creates a unique and immersive experience for the audience, perfectly complementing the film's stylish and sophisticated tone.

Lisa Clark

The haunting melodies in the quieter moments of the film evoke a sense of melancholy and introspection, adding a layer of depth to the narrative.

Kenneth Campbell

The Good Thief's soundtrack perfectly captures the essence of the film, enhancing the thrilling and mysterious atmosphere throughout the story.

Thomas Thompson

The Good Thief's soundtrack perfectly captures the gritty and suspenseful atmosphere of the film. The music enhances the tension and excitement of Bob's high-stakes heist in the French Riviera.

Nancy Evans

The jazzy and noir-inspired score adds depth and sophistication to the storyline, creating a captivating backdrop for Bob's complex character development throughout the movie.

David Phillips

The soundtrack of The Good Thief perfectly captures the mood and atmosphere of the film, adding depth to the characters and their struggles.

Elizabeth Smith

I found the soundtrack of The Good Thief to be repetitive and lacking in depth, with the same musical themes and motifs being overused throughout the movie. This resulted in a lack of variety and creativity in the music, making it difficult to fully engage with the film's narrative and characters on an emotional level.

William Scott

The use of music in key moments of the film, such as Bob's withdrawal from drugs or the heist itself, enhances the emotional impact of these scenes and keeps the audience engaged.

Steven Roberts

Overall, the soundtrack of The Good Thief is a vital component of the film, enhancing the storytelling and immersing the audience in the world of Bob and his daring heist in the French Riviera.

David Brown

The soundtrack of The Good Thief felt disjointed and out of place at times, failing to enhance the emotional impact of key scenes in the movie. The music didn't seem to complement the storyline or the characters' development, leaving me feeling disconnected from the film's atmosphere.

Richard Hall

The choice of music in The Good Thief often seemed generic and uninspired, lacking originality and failing to create a unique identity for the movie. The soundtrack didn't stand out or leave a lasting impression, making it easily forgettable compared to other films with more memorable musical scores.

David Brown

The music choices in the film are eclectic and diverse, reflecting the multi-layered nature of the story and the characters' complex personalities.

Deborah Hill

The eclectic mix of tracks in the soundtrack reflects the diverse personalities of the characters, from Bob's troubled past to Roger's conflicted loyalties, adding an extra layer of emotional depth to the film.