The History of Comedy Soundtrack (

The History of Comedy Soundtrack (2017) cover

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Rating: 7.90/10 from 528 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Historia de la comedia

Title in Italiano:

The History of Comedy

Title in Português:

The History of Comedy


The History of Comedy

Comedy has a long and rich history that dates back to ancient times. From the slapstick humor of the Greeks to the witty satire of the Romans, comedy has always been a popular form of entertainment.

During the Middle Ages, comedy took on a more religious tone with the rise of morality plays and farces. These plays often poked fun at societal norms and provided a much-needed escape from the hardships of daily life.

In the 16th century, comedy experienced a revival with the works of William Shakespeare and Molière. These playwrights introduced complex characters and intricate plots that are still celebrated today.

As comedy evolved, so did its mediums. From vaudeville to radio to television, comedians found new ways to connect with audiences and push the boundaries of humor.

Today, comedy continues to thrive in various forms such as stand-up, improv, and sketch comedy. Comedians use their wit and humor to address social issues, challenge conventions, and bring joy to audiences around the world.

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The History of Comedy

User reviews

Donald Mitchell

The use of traditional instruments in the soundtrack adds an authentic feel to the historical periods portrayed in the series, immersing the audience in the world of each comedic era.

Matthew Wilson

The History of Comedy has a soundtrack that lacks cohesion and fails to capture the essence of the various comedic eras explored in the series. The music feels generic and uninspired, missing the opportunity to enhance the storytelling.

Charles Anderson

The diversity of musical styles in the soundtrack reflects the evolution of comedy over the centuries, showcasing the range of influences that have shaped the genre.

John King

The diverse range of musical styles and instruments used in the soundtrack adds depth and authenticity to the storytelling, enhancing the viewer's immersion in each comedic era.

Sarah Clark

The soundtrack effectively complements the visuals and dialogue of the show, enhancing the comedic timing and emotional impact of key moments.

Patricia Lee

The soundtrack of The History of Comedy not only complements the visuals but also serves as a standalone listening experience, showcasing the talent and creativity of the composers involved in bringing each comedic period to life.

Margaret Campbell

The music selection in The History of Comedy is diverse and dynamic, reflecting the multifaceted nature of the genre. From whimsical tunes to dramatic scores, the soundtrack adds depth and emotion to the anecdotes and historical insights shared in the series, creating a truly immersive viewing experience.

Paul Carter

The soundtrack of The History of Comedy successfully captures the essence of each era, from the playful tunes of ancient Greek comedies to the dramatic scores of Shakespearean comedies.

Amanda Clark

The History of Comedy's soundtrack perfectly captures the essence of each historical period, from the playful melodies of ancient Greece to the whimsical tunes of Shakespearean times.

Jennifer Harris

The musical choices in The History of Comedy often feel out of place and distracting, overshadowing the dialogue and interviews with comedians. The soundtrack fails to complement the content of the show and instead detracts from the overall viewing experience.

David Jones

The soundtrack of The History of Comedy perfectly captures the essence and evolution of comedy throughout the ages. Each track complements the different eras and styles of comedy, enhancing the storytelling and engaging the audience on a deeper level.

Joshua Jones

Overall, the soundtrack of The History of Comedy serves as a dynamic and engaging companion to the informative and entertaining content of the series.