The King 2 Hearts is a South Korean drama series that follows the story of Lee Jae-ha, a prince who is forced to join a military unit as part of a joint military training exercise between South Korea and North Korea. Despite his initial reluctance, Lee Jae-ha eventually becomes a skilled soldier and forms a close bond with Kim Hang-ah, a North Korean special forces officer.
As their relationship deepens, Lee Jae-ha and Kim Hang-ah must navigate the political tensions between their two countries and the challenges that come with their different backgrounds. Together, they must overcome obstacles and fight for their love amidst the chaos and danger of their divided nations.
The King 2 Hearts is a thrilling and emotional drama that explores themes of love, loyalty, and the power of unity in the face of adversity. With a talented cast and a gripping storyline, this series will keep viewers on the edge of their seats until the very end.