The Line of Beauty is a novel by Alan Hollinghurst that follows the life of Nick Guest, a young gay man living in London during the 1980s. Nick moves in with the wealthy Fedden family and becomes entangled in their world of privilege and excess. As he navigates his relationships with the family members, including the closeted politician Gerald Fedden, Nick also explores his own sexuality and identity.
Set against the backdrop of Margaret Thatcher's conservative government and the AIDS crisis, The Line of Beauty delves into themes of class, sexuality, and the impact of societal expectations on personal freedom. Nick's journey is both exhilarating and heartbreaking as he grapples with his desires and the constraints of the world around him.
Through Hollinghurst's lush prose and keen observations, The Line of Beauty paints a vivid portrait of a tumultuous era and a young man's quest for beauty and authenticity in a world that often values conformity and appearances above all else.