The Long Excuse is a Japanese drama film directed by Miwa Nishikawa. The story follows a successful writer named Sachio Kinugasa who is forced to confront his own shortcomings after his wife dies in a bus accident.
Struggling to cope with his grief and guilt, Sachio finds himself drawn to the widow of one of the victims of the accident. As he tries to make amends for his past mistakes, he begins to question the nature of his own relationships and the meaning of forgiveness.
Through a series of emotional and introspective moments, Sachio learns to confront his own flaws and insecurities, ultimately finding a sense of redemption and closure. The film explores themes of loss, forgiveness, and the complexities of human relationships.
The Long Excuse offers a poignant and thought-provoking look at the ways in which we navigate grief and guilt, and the power of forgiveness in healing our wounds.
Play | Title | Artist |
The Long Excuse
Ombra mai fu
Aoi Teshima: