The Mafia Kills Only in Summer is a dark comedy that follows the life of a young boy named Arturo growing up in Palermo, Sicily. Despite the constant presence of the Mafia in his city, Arturo remains oblivious to their criminal activities. As he grows older, Arturo becomes infatuated with his classmate Flora, who is the daughter of a Mafia boss.
As Arturo navigates his way through adolescence, he begins to realize the true extent of the Mafia's influence in his city. Despite the danger that surrounds him, Arturo remains determined to win Flora's heart. However, his innocent crush soon turns into a dangerous obsession that puts him in direct conflict with the Mafia.
The Mafia Kills Only in Summer is a poignant and humorous look at the impact of organized crime on a community and the lengths that one boy will go to for love. Through Arturo's eyes, viewers are given a unique perspective on the harsh realities of life in Sicily and the power dynamics that govern the city.