The Mating Habits of the Earthbound Human Soundtrack (

The Mating Habits of the Earthbound Human Soundtrack (1999) cover

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Rating: 6.40/10 from 6500 votes
Tags: applying make up, night club line, hand stamp
Alternate Names:
Title in Italiano:

Quando Billy incontra Jenny


An anthropologist from an alien planet provides voice-over commentary for a documentary look at human courtship, mating, and reproduction: "complex, perverse, tragically beautiful: the earthbound human."

The commentary gets some of the details comically wrong (explaining the slap on a newborn's back: "they don't like the looks of the child so they beat it"), but gets right the overall idea.

We follow Billy and Jenny from their meeting at a club, initial misunderstandings, his losing her phone number, finally connecting, walks on the beach, soulful talks, meeting each other's parents, friends' advice, and the gradual taking of the relationship to new levels.

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Play Title Artist
The Mating Habits of the Earthbound Human
Michael Bramon: Performer
Distant World
Michael Bramon: Performer
Michael Bramon: Performer

User reviews

Matthew Young

The soundtrack of The Mating Habits of the Earthbound Human truly captivates the essence of human courtship and relationships. Each track perfectly complements the different stages of Billy and Jenny's journey, from the initial meeting at the club to the soulful talks and walks on the beach.

Amanda Phillips

The use of playful melodies and quirky instrumentation in the soundtrack mirrors the anthropologist's humorous misinterpretations of human mating rituals, creating a lighthearted and engaging atmosphere.

Linda Mitchell

The use of diverse musical styles and genres in the soundtrack adds richness and variety to the film, reflecting the diverse emotions and experiences that come with human relationships.

William White

The musical motifs woven throughout the soundtrack help to establish a sense of continuity and cohesion, effectively tying together the various stages of Billy and Jenny's courtship journey.

Robert Miller

I found the soundtrack for The Mating Habits of the Earthbound Human to be quite disappointing. The music did not seem to capture the complexity and beauty of human courtship as depicted in the film. It felt generic and uninspired, lacking the emotional depth needed to enhance the storytelling.

Thomas Turner

The soundtrack's ability to seamlessly transition between light-hearted comedic scenes and more poignant, heartfelt moments reflects the film's exploration of the complexities of human relationships.

Steven Campbell

The emotional depth of the soundtrack shines through in the soulful tracks that accompany Billy and Jenny's intimate conversations and heartfelt moments, enhancing the audience's connection to the characters.

Paul Jones

The soundtrack of The Mating Habits of the Earthbound Human perfectly captures the whimsical and curious tone of the film, enhancing the anthropologist's alien perspective on human courtship.

Ashley Allen

The soundtrack's evocative compositions and emotive performances enhance the audience's immersion in the story, effectively drawing viewers into the world of Billy and Jenny's romantic entanglements.

George Scott

The music in the film effectively enhances the emotional moments between Billy and Jenny, creating a sense of intimacy and connection. The soulful talks and romantic scenes are beautifully accompanied by the soundtrack, enhancing the overall viewing experience.

Ronald Lee

The soundtrack of The Mating Habits of the Earthbound Human showcases a diverse range of musical styles and genres, keeping the audience engaged and entertained throughout the film. The music transitions seamlessly between scenes, enhancing the storytelling and overall impact of the documentary.

Michael Lee

Additionally, some of the musical choices felt out of place and even distracting at times. Instead of complementing the scenes and adding to the overall atmosphere, the soundtrack seemed to clash with the tone of the film, making certain moments feel awkward and disconnected.

Thomas Anderson

The band's choice of music for the documentary perfectly reflects the theme of human courtship, mating, and reproduction. The music complements the storyline by adding depth and emotion to the characters' relationships and experiences.

Melissa Campbell

Overall, the soundtrack of The Mating Habits of the Earthbound Human elevates the film's narrative, providing a compelling and memorable musical backdrop that enhances the viewing experience.

Linda Phillips

The music effectively underscores the comical misunderstandings and awkward moments between Billy and Jenny, adding depth to their evolving relationship on screen.

Amanda Campbell

Overall, I believe the soundtrack failed to elevate the viewing experience of the film and missed an opportunity to truly enhance the storytelling. It fell short of creating a memorable and impactful musical backdrop for the unique and intriguing concept of exploring human courtship from an alien perspective.

Mary Jones

The band's soundtrack for The Mating Habits of the Earthbound Human perfectly captures the whimsical and comedic tone of the film. It adds a layer of fun and light-heartedness to the anthropologist's voice-over commentary, making the viewing experience enjoyable.

Nancy Taylor

The music captures the complexity and beauty of human emotions, blending different genres and tones to create a truly immersive experience for the audience. It enhances the comedic elements of the documentary commentary while also tugging at the heartstrings during the more emotional moments.